Future Shaping means creating, connecting and supporting emerging projects, game worlds, initiatives and groups who are living a life a co-creation.

Future Shaping is transformational tools applied for co-creation with Nature! A Future Shaper is in service for and with life. Future Shapers are working with life’s inherent creation power that runs through everything and everybody. Future Shaper know we have the freedom to taking a stand for what wants to come into the world through us.

Every action, every thought and feeling shapes the field of human possibility and becomes the material for other people’s orientation. Each moments carries uncountable possibilities. We can decide what we want to create. Future Shaping ist Radical Responsibility – the awareness of the ongoing weaving of co-creating with life.

A Future Shaper acts in the world as Treeplanter, an Oceancleaner, a Community Builder, a School Designer and the Thousands other jobs that need to be done.

Future Shaper dedicate their lives to serving and co-creating lifeserving possibilities.